Interactive Seed Mix Calculator

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Directions: The yellow boxes are there for you to enter your own information. At the top, enter the number of acres you will be planting. In the yellow boxes below, enter the percent amount of each species you would like to plant. The total percentage is automatically calculated for you as you enter information for each species (see the orange box at the bottom). Only enter percentages for the plants you want to use. Leave the rest blank. The total percentage at the bottom should equal 100 (you must check this to make sure the total is correct). The green boxes on the right will automatically be calculated for you. This spreadsheet is to only be used as a rough estimate. Seeding rate estimates are based on published seeding rates for rangelands. Estimates are calculated as a percentage of the pure stand PLS seeding rate. PLS = Pure Live Seed. You must check your seed label to determine the PLS. Before you buy any seed, you should do all of the seeding rate calculations by hand to verify you are planning to buy the proper amount of seed for your seeding project. You may also want to speak to a local state extension agent or rangeland professional before you do any planting.

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